05. AMCL Launch File

AMCL launch file

First things first, create a launch file for the AMCL node in the launch folder of your package:

$ cd /home/workspace/catkin_ws/src/<YOUR PACKAGE NAME>/launch/
$ vi amcl.launch # nano, gedit

Feel free to use whichever editor you prefer: vi , nano , or gedit .

Add the root element <launch> tag in the amcl.launch file:

<!-- TODO: Add nodes here -->

Great, we have the launch file in place! Now, let's add nodes to this amcl.launch file. A list of nodes is provided below as a tracker of your progress. You don't need to complete that now - come back when you have all three nodes added!

Task Description:

Here is the list of nodes required for AMCL package to operate:

Task List:

Task Feedback:

Well done! The nodes are all ready in the launch file!